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Friday, August 19, 2011


The Animal Emergency Room had the pleasure of meeting Ivan early in August.   He was presented suffering from complications with diabetes, a condition that Ivan has battled for several years.   Ivan was treated aggressively through out the night and transferred to a day practice Monday morning.   Later in the week, we came to learn that our new friend was unable to recover from his condition.   Although we only knew Ivan for a short period of time, he touched our hearts.   Our condolences go out to the Perillo family as we share these pictures and memories in honor of Ivan.

As well, I have included these kind words from the Perillo family:
"Thank you for the care and compassion you showed to us, our family, and above all, our Ivan during his final illness. It was a challenging time, made easier because of your commitment toward his recovery and your support and honesty when it was time to say good-bye.
We wanted to share some photos gathered for our family as a memorial of our boy. You cannot imagine what a great cat he was when we adopted Addie, who is 3 years. They were inseparable and had so much to teach us as they played together, cared for one another,  and wrestled without ever a scratch or bite. They showed us how a stranger was welcomed and became a loved member of the family.  When Addie came into to tell Ivan good-bye, she was hissing. At first we thought she was hissing at Ivan. Later, we realized, she was probably hissing to protect him.
We, and Addie, have been grieving. Thankfully we have one another to ease our pain and share our unconditional affection for Ivan. While we believe his death was premature in some ways, we know he had tolerated many shots and pills in the four years he had diabetes. His patience never wavered and he always had time to spend with his best friend ever, Addie.
Thank you all so much. May God continue to guide and bless you for the work you do, the acceptance you offer frantic owners, and suffering pets. Thank you for sharing your gifts with these little ones who cannot thank you without their human family. Thank you, so very much,
The Perillo Family